November 2024 II
Bluewater Adventures' 50th Anniversary:
Well Celebrated!
Bluewater Adventures’ 50th anniversary was well celebrated on November 16. With seventy Crew in attendance dating back to the 1970’s up to the present day there were memories aplenty floating about the room. There were speeches shared about incredible wildlife encounters, about the people who make travels on a Bluewater trip unforgettable, and goofs in the galley. Randy presented on the last 50 years of Bluewater history – starting as a whitewater rafting company called “Whitewater Adventures” in 1974.
Sailing voyages were underway by 1977 and just before Randy and Cathy took the helm of the company in 1988, Bluewater Adventures was born. That year we operated 23 trips, including school programs. Today, we operate close to 60 memorable adventures, for high school students who may have never seen the ocean, to seasoned travelers from around the world.
We salute the incredible people who have helped Bluewater evolve into the Company it is today. The friendships and partnerships that have resulted are the icing on the cake. All the challenging work that went into building Bluewater Adventures has resulted in lasting memories for over 10,000 guests! But numbers do not tell the story... because Bluewater Adventures is about small groups of people, led by enthusiastic and knowledgeable guides experiencing this incredible coast and nature, one on one.
Cheers to 50 amazing years, and here’s to 50 more!
The Return of Whales to the BC Coast: The Humpback Comeback
If you have enjoyed a trip with Bluewater Adventures, you will have had the pleasure of being in the company of whales. The whales that we see May through October on the British Columbia and Southeast Alaska coast are primarily giant humpback whales, northern resident killer whales (salmon eaters), Bigg's killer whales (mammal eaters), and even fin whales! Each year sightings increase, according to data collected from the Ocean Wise Sightings Network. We are seeing a comeback, from a time on this coast that few of us can comprehend. 
The whale hunt on the BC coast began in the mid-1800s with whalers, primarily from the United States and Hawaii, arriving on tall ships, using dories and hand-held harpoons. This limited their catch to the slower cetaceans like sperm and right whales.
Humpback whales were also hunted in the Salish Sea and Queen Charlotte Strait – some of the first whaling stations were built just north of Vancouver in “Blubber Bay” (Texada Island), “Whaling Station Bay” (Hornby Island) and “Whaletown” (Cortes Island). It was here where whalers would process their catch and render the blubber.
By the 1900s, steam ships arrived, providing whalers with the means of outpacing even the fastest whales, and with explosive harpoons, the whaling industry boomed. From 1905 - 1911, five additional whaling stations were erected from Barkley Sound to Haida Gwaii. Read more...
Join us on some of our favourite whale trips in 2025!
Whales, Bears, and Totems of Johnstone Strait
August 11 – 17, 2025
Sample Itinerary | Contact Us

Southeast Alaska
August 6 – 16, 2025

Great Bear Sea
August 19 – 26, 2025

Here in BC - The Rising Tide Haida Aboriginal Title Agreement
As a long time tour operator in Haida Gwaii, Bluewater Adventures is happy to see the British Columbia Government and Haida Nation sign the Gaayhllxid/Gíihlagalgang “Rising Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement on April 6, 2024, recognizing Haida title throughout their traditional territory.
The two parties will now plan the transition in management over the next several years. In the meantime, provincial law will continue to apply, protected areas are still protected and key infrastructure like airports, ferry service and highways will continue to be maintained and operated by the BC provincial government. This agreement has no effect on existing private property.
Bluewater Adventures celebrates this moment for the Haida and commends the BC government. The Haida never gave up their inherent title. This agreement is the first of its kind in Canada, furthering the important journey to Reconciliation.
Get to know Haida Gwaii with Bluewater Adventures
May – August 2025
Thank You- Referral Program
There is nothing like a personal recommendation to inspire someone new to join a Bluewater Adventure, and we want to show our gratitude to you for sharing your Bluewater memories with others. If you send your friends and family to us, be sure to tell them to mention your name. Each new booking earns you 5% off your next Bluewater Adventure. If a group of 3 books a trip and mentions your name, you receive 15% off your next trip!
(To a maximum of 20% off)