Cut From the Same Jib

We have had the absolute fortune of meeting many outstanding individuals who create the most inspirational, passionate and life-changing experiences over years of hosting guests from around the World. There is an intrinsic nature that each of these people possess who unselfishly share their excitement, expertise and passion with our guests – but how on earth did they find Bluewater Adventures?
Could it be our reputation? – Bluewater has been hosting trips the longest out of any operators on this coast and we have met thousands of travelers from around the world.
Could it be our expedition vessels? – We have 2 ketches and 1 sloop – all built locally. They are will maintained and exciting to travel aboard.
Might it be the places that we explore? – There is a solace one finds on the water, on a remote beach and amongst towering old-growth cedars. Its calls for your return are unrelenting.
The incredible group of people who make up Bluewater Crew now and through the years could probably agree that it’s a dash of all 3. We are truly grateful for these talented people with colourful stories, immense knowledge and experiences who craft each trip as if it’s the last they’ll every sail.
These two are cut from the same jib…

He has built an enviable reputation, coastwide, working with the Raincoast Conservation Foundation (marine mammal surveys, bear hunting territory buyouts) and with Bluewater Adventures since 2003. He is often specially requested by our various charter groups and past guests from around the world. His captivating storytelling, passion for marine exploration, wealth of knowledge on coastal ecology and wildlife conservation sets expedition travel with Brian apart from the rest.
Southeast Alaska expeditions led by Captain Brian Falconer are July 5-15 & July 16-26, 2020.
Sample Itinerary | 11-days | $7650 incl pp | BOOK NOW!
Sample Itinerary | 11-days | $7650 incl pp | BOOK NOW!

If you have an interest in learning about coastal carnivores, local First Nations, sailing, you can experience it all with this passionate conservation advocate and storyteller. check out his Instagram page to appreciate some if the sights he has captured. @ocean_grizzly
Our Khutzeymateen expedition led by Captain Neil Shearar this year is May 31-June 6, 2020.
Sample Itinerary | 7-days | CAD $5092.50 incl pp | BOOK NOW!