The Highlights of Late Summer
off Northern Vancouver Island

"The world feels very strange for most of us as we adjust to a new normal with altered routines and a different way of living. So it’s reassuring to know that some traditions continue to the beat of more ancient, natural rhythms.

From mid-September, the mighty Steller sea lions begin their haul-out on some prime ‘waterfront’ real estate on the shores of Hanson Island - a stunning ‘island in the stream’ nestled between Johnstone Strait and Blackfish Sound. This noisy autumnal congregation is here to fish, socialize and generally chill out. As the days grow shorter, grizzly bears become more concentrated in the creeks and estuaries, and pods of Pacific white-sided dolphins now stretch into the many hundreds. Soon, the outrageously beautiful Harlequin ducks will start to gather along the rocky shores for winter.

As you step out onto the Island Odyssey's foredeck of in the morning, look up at the wisps of clouds clinging to the treetops of the steep, deeply forested islands and you’ll be aware of a subtle change in the wind direction. Things feel fresher as the seasons transition."
Written by Bluewater Adventures naturalist Rob Lott: Whale and Dolphin Conservation
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